Phone Numbers

Direct telephone numbers in more than 60 countries of the world. Incoming calls will be redirected to the number of your mobile or landline phone in the country of your location.
Buy Phone Number & Make Forwarding

Instant connection of the direct-dial (landline) numbers in more than 60 countries of the world.

After a simple registration on our web-site you can purchase a telephone number and set up calls forwarding to your office, mobile or home telephone. It is also possible to set up forwarding  of incoming calls to Skype, Google Talk, VOIP, office ATS and to any other devices supporting the SIP protocol.
Quality of communications provided by our service is one of the most significant advantages since all up-to-date telecommunication servers of the company are located in the centre of Europe.

Cost for direct telephone number.

Albania Ecuador Moldova
Anguilla El Salvador Netherlands
Antigua and Barbuda Estonia New Zealand
Argentina Finland North Macedonia
Australia France Norway
Austria Georgia Panama
Bahamas Germany Peru
Barbados Ghana Poland
Belgium Greece Portugal
Bolivia Grenada Puerto Rico
Bosnia And Herzegovina Honduras Romania
Brazil Hong Kong Saint Martin
British Virgin Islands Hungary Serbia
Bulgaria Iceland Singapore
Canada India Slovakia
Cayman Islands Ireland Slovenia
Chile Israel South Africa
China Italy Spain
Colombia Jamaica Sweden
Costa Rica Japan Switzerland
Croatia Kenya Thailand
Curacao Latvia Trinidad and Tobago
Cyprus Lithuania Uganda
Czech Republic Luxembourg Ukraine
Denmark Malaysia United Kingdom
Dominica Malta United States
Dominican Republic Mexico Vietnam

Forwarding of a direct telephone number is carried out on the basis of the lowest and the most profitable tariffs.

Terms for connecting, payment and prolongation of a direct telephone number.

After paying for a telephone number in a country of your choice, the number becomes active and you can make all required adjustments, including call forwarding. You can make an advance payment for using direct telephone number for a period 1, 3, 6 and 12 months. If the pre-paid amount on the balance of your account is sufficient enough to cover the next month's subscription, then telephone number will be prolonged automatically. In case the payment is not made within 10 (ten) days after the account balance is depleted, your direct telephone number will be automatically disconnected and cancelled

Special Conditions

To connect the phone number in some countries may require an additional documents and information. Provision of this information is require for the activation of phone number you purchased.

Please refer to the Legal Requirements.