Local Phone Numbers

Direct telephone numbers in more than 60 countries of the world. Incoming calls will be redirected to the number of your mobile or landline phone in the country of your location.

Private Secretary

By virtue of this service you can have you personal secretary, who in accordance with your preliminary instructions will communicate by phone with the clients on behalf of your company in the country, where you purchase telephone number. Do you need a secretary with fluent English, German, French, Spanish, Russian languages?

FAX 2 E-Mail

Easy way to receive fax messages. Now it's not necessary for you to have a fax machine and maintain it. After purchasing a phone number in any of the 60 countries of the world you can set up forwarding fax documents directly to your e-mail.

Cloud Services

From now on your created documents are not tied to your hard drive on a computer. Now you can create them and have access to them from any place in the world. "Cloud Service" will save the files and make your work confidential.


Now you have opportunity to carry out negotiations, give seminars, conduct trainings without leaving your office or home. This service allows arranging communication without reference to a particular place on Earth. The only condition is to have Internet connection!

Call Forwarding

An incoming call to your direct number may be redirected to indicated landline or mobile number of any country in the world. Tariffs will not frighten you, and nobody will even be aware about your actual physical location.

Buy Phone Number & Make Forwarding